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Why I can only restore 1 of my 4 miner addresses?

You have to specify isMiner = true when restoring your miner address. Please checkout the example here: Restore-Miner-Wallet

How to connect my miner to my full node on another computer in the same subnet?

  1. Add the following to your user.conf and restart your full node.
alephium.mining.api-interface = ""
  1. Run your miner with -a IP, where the IP is your full node's IP in the subnet.

How to use the Swagger UI of my VPS hosted full node?

SSH port forwarding is recommended:

ssh user@server  -L 12973:

How to access the Swagger UI of my full node on another computer in the same subnet?

  1. Add the following to your user.conf and restart your full node. = ""
  1. Change the host of Swagger UI to be the IP of your full node.

My miner (via cannot connect to my full node on another computer

The script connects to by default. You will need to add -a IP into

Why the miner uses huge amount of memory on HiveOS?

You should deactivate the log to write in RAM with command logs-on.

How to customize the auto-lock timeout for wallets?

You could change the auto-lock timeout of wallet with the following configuration:

alephium.wallet.locking-timeout = 10 minutes