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Fungible Tokens

Fungible Token Standard

In Alephium, new tokens can be issued when deploying new contracts. The id of the newly issued token is the same as the id of the contract that issues it. You can refer to this guide for details about how to issue tokens on Alephium from scratch.

Tokens are usually associated with information such as name, decimals, totalSupply, etc. The goal of the token standard is to put constraints on token-issuing contract so it becomes easier for dApps and wallets to infer token types and fetch token information.

The standard fungible token interface defines methods to get the name, symbol, decimals as well as the totalSupply of the token. It is also annotated with the @std annotation with the id #0001:

// Standard interface for fungible tokens
@std(id = #0001)
Interface IFungibleToken {
pub fn getSymbol() -> ByteVec
pub fn getName() -> ByteVec
pub fn getDecimals() -> U256
pub fn getTotalSupply() -> U256

// A `TokenFaucet` contract that implements the `IFungibleToken` interface
Contract TokenFaucet(
symbol: ByteVec,
name: ByteVec,
decimals: U256,
supply: U256
) implements IFungibleToken {
pub fn getTotalSupply() -> U256 {
return supply

pub fn getSymbol() -> ByteVec {
return symbol

pub fn getName() -> ByteVec {
return name

pub fn getDecimals() -> U256 {
return decimals

Once a token contract implements IFungibleToken interface, like the TokenFaucet contract shown above, it enables SDK to get information in a standard way:

// Use SDK to call methods individually
const getDecimalResult = await tokenFaucet.methods.getDecimals()
const getTotalSupplyResult = await tokenFaucet.methods.getTotalSupply()
const getNameResult = await tokenFaucet.methods.getName()
console.log("TokenFaucet name, decimals, totalSupply", getNameResult.returns, getDecimalResult.returns, getTotalSupplyResult.returns)

// Use SDK to call all multiple methods at the same time
const multicallResult = await tokenFaucet.multicall({
getDecimals: {},
getTotalSupply: {},
getName: {},
console.log("TokenFaucet name, decimals, totalSupply", multicallResult.getName.returns, multicallResult.getDecimal.returns, multicallResult.getTotalSupply.returns)

In fact, SDK provides a canonical way to fetch all metadata for a fungible token.

const metadata = await web3.getCurrentNodeProvider().fetchFungibleTokenMetaData(tokenFaucet.contractId)
console.log("TokenFaucet name, decimals, totalSupply",, metadata.decimals, metadata.totalSupply)

IFungibleToken also enables SDK to guess the type of a token, so that dApps and wallets can handle them respectively:

// Guess token type
const tokenType = await web3.getCurrentNodeProvider().guessStdTokenType(tokenFaucet.contractId)

// Guess token interface id
const tokenInterfaceId = await web3.getCurrentNodeProvider().guessStdInterfaceId(tokenFaucet.contractId)

For a working and more complete example, please take a look at the nextjs-template repository.

Wallet Support

Both Desktop Wallet and Extension Wallet have native support for fungible tokens.

Following is an example of displaying and transfering the PACA token using extesion wallet:

Token Overview    Send Token    Sign Tx

Token List

Other than the basic information such as name, symbol and decimals, etc. Fungible tokens usually contain other metadata such as description and logoURI so that dApps and wallets can properly display them.

The goal of the token list is to be a source of trust for token id and metadata of the well known tokens in the Alephium ecosystem, so wallets and dApps can warn users for the unverified tokens. Here is how extension wallet displays a token before and after it is added into the token list.

Unverified    Verified

Currently, a pull request is needed to add the token metadata to token list.