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Dapp Recipes


Connect wallet to dApp

The @alephium/web3-react provides powerful React components and hooks for connecting a wallet to your dApp.

// Alephium Context Provider
<AlephiumWalletProvider theme='retro' network='devnet'>
<YourComponent />

// Connect button
<AlephiumConnectButton />

// Wallet hook
const { connectionStatus, signer, account } = useWallet()

// Balance hook
const { balance } = useBalance()

// Connect hook which is used by `<AlephiumConnectButton />` under the hood
const { connect, disconnect } = useConnect()

Web3 SDK wallets

The SDK provides a few basic wallets for developers.

// HD wallet
const mnemonic = bip39.generateMnemonic(128)
const hdWallet = new HDWallet({ mnemonic })

// Private key wallet
const wallet0 = new PrivateKeyWallet({ privateKey })
const wallet1 = PrivateKeyWallet.Random()
const wallet2 = PrivateKeyWallet.FromMnemonic({ mnemonic })

Testing wallet

The @alephium/web3-test library provides convenient wallets for testing purpose.

// Devnet test wallet, which has 1 million ALPH by default
const wallet = testNodeWallet()

// Generate random signer wallet for testing
const signer = getSigner()

// Generate a list of random wallets for testing
const signers = getSigners()


Fetch fungible token metadata


Fetch the circulating supply/total supply of a token

The following code retrieves the total supply programmed by the token developer. Note that actual contract verification is necessary for trustworthiness.

(await nodeProvider.fetchFungibleTokenMetaData(tokenId)).totalSupply

There's no direct function for circulating supply following the ERC20 standard.

TODO: query token issuance amount in the explorer backend to provide more trustworthy information.

Fetch NFT metadata


Fetch Collection metadata



Fetch contract state

When using the npx @alephium/cli compile command to compile a contract, it will generate TypeScript code based on the contract code. Taking the TokenFaucet contract as an example, here is the generated TypeScript code. We can use the generated TypeScript code to fetch the contract state:

import { TokenFaucet } from 'artifacts/ts' // Note that you may need to change the import path according to your project directory structure
import { web3, NodeProvider } from '@alephium/web3'

const nodeUrl = ''
const nodeProvider = new NodeProvider(nodeUrl)

const tokenFaucetAddress = 'y1btMZHTvMvHEqLTdx1JHvEXq3tmVfqsY2rwM669upiT'
const tokenFaucet =
const contractState = await tokenFaucet.fetchState()

// The names in `contractState.fields` are the same as the field names in the TokeFaucet contract
const { symbol, name, decimals, supply, balance } = contractState.fields

// You can also get the assets owned by the contract
const { alphAmount, tokens } = contractState.asset

Call contract method

You can use the generated TypeScript code to call the contract methods, it is similar to the eth_call in Ethereum:

import { TokenFaucet } from 'artifacts/ts'
import { web3, NodeProvider } from '@alephium/web3'

const nodeUrl = ''
const nodeProvider = new NodeProvider(nodeUrl)

const tokenFaucetAddress = 'y1btMZHTvMvHEqLTdx1JHvEXq3tmVfqsY2rwM669upiT'
const tokenFaucet =
const totalSupply = await tokenFaucet.methods.getTotalSupply()

Subscribe to contract events

In the TokenFaucet contract, we have defined a Withdraw event. Every time the withdraw function is called, the contract will emit a Withdraw event. We can subscribe to the withdraw events using the following approach:

import { TokenFaucet, TokenFaucetTypes } from 'artifacts/ts'
import { EventSubscribeOptions } from '@alephium/web3'

// `TokenFaucetTypes.WithdrawEvent` is a generated TypeScript type
const options: EventSubscribeOptions<TokenFaucetTypes.WithdrawEvent> = {
// We specify the pollingInterval as 4 seconds, which will query the contract for new events every 4 seconds
pollingInterval: 4000,
// The `messageCallback` will be called every time we recive a new event
messageCallback: (event: TokenFaucetTypes.WithdrawEvent): Promise<void> => {
console.log(`Withdraw(${}, ${event.fields.amount})`)
return Promise.resolve()
// The `errorCallback` will be called when an error occurs, here we unsubscribe the subscription and log the error
errorCallback: (error, subscription): Promise<void> => {
return Promise.resolve()
// The `onEventCountChanged` callback is an optional parameter that will be called when the contract event count changes
onEventCountChanged: (eventCount): Promise<void> => {

// We subscribe to contract events starting from event count 0.
// We can also persist the current event count within the `onEventCountChanged` callback,
// allowing us to subscribe from the last event count for the next subscription.
const fromEventCount = 0
const subscription = tokenFaucet.subscribeWithdrawEvent(options, fromEventCount)

// Unsubscribe the subscription

Test functions with simulated block time

It's possible to test functions with simulated block time in unit tests. For integration tests based on testnet or devnet, there is no way to change the block time though.

Here is a simple example:

import { TokenFaucet } from 'artifacts/ts'

const result = await TokenFaucet.tests.withdraw({
blockTimeStamp: 1706284941000, // the unit is millisecond
address: ...,
initialFields: ...,

Log debug messages

Ralph supports debug messages by emitting the built-in event Debug. Note that such events are ignored on mainnet.

// Simple Ralph contract
Contract Debug() {
pub fn debug() -> () {
emit Debug(`Hello, ${nullContractAddress!()}!`)

// Unit test in Typescript
const result = await Debug.tests.debug()

// The following line will appear in the console output and the full node's logs:
// Debug - tgx7VNFoP9DJiFMFgXXtafQZkUvyEdDHT9ryamHJYrjq - Hello, tgx7VNFoP9DJiFMFgXXtafQZkUvyEdDHT9ryamHJYrjq!

// Retrieve all debug messages

Load contract/script from artifacts

If you only have compiled artifacts and no contract/script source code, you can load contracts from artifacts.

Here's an example of loading a contract from artifacts and deploying it:

import { ContractFactory, ContractInstance, Fields } from '@alephium/web3'
import { testPrivateKey } from '@alephium/web3-test'
import { PrivateKeyWallet } from '@alephium/web3-wallet'
import { default as tokenFaucetJson } from '../artifacts/TokenFaucet.ral.json'

class TokenFaucetInstance extends ContractInstance {}
class TokenFaucetFactory extends ContractFactory<TokenFaucetInstance, Fields> {
override at(address: string): TokenFaucetInstance {
return new TokenFaucetInstance(address)

const signer = new PrivateKeyWallet({ privateKey: testPrivateKey })
const tokenFaucetContract = Contract.fromJson(tokenFaucetJson)
const contractFactory = new TokenFaucetFactory(tokenFaucetContract)
const result = await contractFactory.deploy(signer, {
initialFields: {
symbol: Buffer.from('TF', 'utf8').toString('hex'),
name: Buffer.from('TokenFaucet', 'utf8').toString('hex'),
decimals: 0n,
supply: 100n,
balance: 100n,
__stdInterfaceId: '0001' // the id for fungible token standard
issueTokenAmount: 100n
console.log(`TokenFaucet contract id: ${result.contractInstance.contractId}`)
// TokenFaucet contract id: d6b3667c6eb5fdab1856ce7bbe75406ce9543bcbc57deaabd4c521ba4fce3b00

You can call contract method:

import { addressFromContractId, callMethod } from '@alephium/web3'

const tokenFaucetContractId = 'd6b3667c6eb5fdab1856ce7bbe75406ce9543bcbc57deaabd4c521ba4fce3b00'
const contractInstance =
const result = await callMethod(contractFactory, contractInstance, 'getName', {}, () => tokenFaucetContract)
console.log(`Token name: ${Buffer.from(result.returns as string, 'hex').toString('utf8')}`)
// Token name: TokenFaucet

Similarly, you can also load a TxScript from artifacts and send transactions:

import { Script, ExecutableScript } from '@alephium/web3'
import { default as withdrawJson } from '../artifacts/Withdraw.ral.json'

const tokenFaucetContractId = 'd6b3667c6eb5fdab1856ce7bbe75406ce9543bcbc57deaabd4c521ba4fce3b00'
const withdrawScript = Script.fromJson(withdrawJson)
const script = new ExecutableScript(withdrawScript)
const result = await script.execute(signer, {
initialFields: {
token: tokenFaucetContractId,
amount: 1n
attoAlphAmount: DUST_AMOUNT
console.log(`Tx id: ${result.txId}`)
// Tx id: 27528a56ecf4993248ec9467ee1dbb6122124c677d9e0e7cc12158dec8f5b4e9


Query transaction status

You can query the transaction status using the following approach:

import { NodeProvider } from '@alephium/web3'

const nodeUrl = ''
const nodeProvider = new NodeProvider(nodeUrl)

const txId = '919d4e4b1080d74beb56a1f78ea7c0569a358e3ea3988058987cc1addf4b93cc'
const txStatus = await nodeProvider.transactions.getTransactionsStatus({ txId })

You can differentiate the transaction status using the txStatus.type:

  1. MemPooled: this means the transaction is in the mempool
  2. Confirmed: the transaction has been confirmed, and you can get the confirmations using txStatus.chainConfirmations
  3. TxNotFound: the transaction does not exist


The @alephium/web3-react package provides several hooks to facilitate the development of frontend user interfaces.


import { useWalletConfig } from '@alephium/web3-react'

export function Component() {
const { network, setNetwork, addressGroup, setAddressGroup } = useWalletConfig()

return <div>
<button onClick={() => setNetwork('testnet')}>Network: {network}</button>
<button onClick={() => setAddressGroup(3)}>Address group: {addressGroup}</button>

The useWalletConfig hook returns the configurations of the connect button and utility functions to update those configurations.


import { useWallet, Wallet } from '@alephium/web3-react'

function Component() {
const { account, connectionStatus } = useWallet()

if (connectionStatus === 'connecting') return <div>Connecting</div>
if (connectionStatus === 'disconnected') return <div>Disconnected</div>

// connected
return <div>{account}</div>

If the return value is undefined, it indicates that the wallet is not connected. The returned wallet has the following fields:

  • wallet.signer: you can use the signer to sign transactions
  • wallet.account: this is the currently connected account
  • wallet.nodeProvider: you can use the node provider to communicate with the full node, note that this value may be undefined


import { useBalance } from '@alephium/web3-react'

const { balance, updateBalanceForTx } = useBalance()

The useBalance hook returns two values:

  1. balance: the current balance of the connected account
  2. updateBalanceForTx: this is used to update the balance when the user makes a transaction. It takes a transaction id as a parameter, and it will update the balance once this transaction is confirmed.


import { useState } from 'react'
import { useTxStatus } from '@alephium/web3-react'

const { txStatus } = useTxStatus(txId)
const confirmed = useMemo(() => {
return txStatus?.type === 'Confirmed'
}, [txStatus])

The useTxStatus hook also accepts an optional callback parameter of type (txStatus: node.TxStatus) => Promise<any>, it will be called after each transaction status query.

Unit Testing

The web3 SDK generates TS utility functions for testing contracts. You can unit test a single function with ContractName.tests.functionName(params). Each test takes the current contract state as input and returns the updated contract state.

Test the same contract twice in a row

One could reuse the returned contract state as input to re-test the same contract.

const testResult0 = await TokenFaucet.tests.withdraw(testParams0)

// the balance of the test token is: 10 - 1 = 9
const contractState0 = testResult0.contracts[0] as TokenFaucetTypes.State

// reuse the contract state from the previous test
const testResult1 = await TokenFaucet.tests.withdraw({
initialFields: contractState0.fields,
initialAsset: contractState0.asset,

// the balance of the test token is: 9 - 1 = 8
const contractState1 = testResult1.contracts[0] as TokenFaucetTypes.State


Prettify token amounts

The web3 SDK provides a few utility functions to convert between currency and numbers

convertAlphAmountWithDecimals(1.23) // 1230000000000000000n
prettifyAttoAlphAmount(1230000000000000000n) // '1.23'
number256ToNumber(1230000000000000000n, 18) // 1.23

Rate limit

NodeProvider is used to communicate with the full node when developing a dApp, and you can use the public API services provided by Alephium. But all APIs are rate limited to prevent spam. So if the client sends too many requests in a given amount of time, it will receive the HTTP 429 error.

You can use the fetch-retry to solve this issue:

import * as fetchRetry from 'fetch-retry'

// We specify up to 10 retries, with 1 second retry delay
const retryFetch = fetchRetry.default(fetch, {
retries: 10,
retryDelay: 1000
const nodeProvider = new NodeProvider('node-url', undefined, retryFetch)

Custom wallet connect button

@alephium/web3-react provides the AlephiumConnectButton component to facilitate the development of user interfaces, you can also use the AlephiumConnectButton.Custom to customize the style of the connect button:

import { AlephiumConnectButton } from '@alephium/web3-react'

function CustomWalletConnectButton = () => {
return (
{({ isConnected, disconnect, show, account }) => {
return isConnected ? (
<button onClick={disconnect}>
) : (
<button onClick={show}>