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Deep Dive

In the Quick Start guide, we set up a sample project and walked through common development tasks without diving into much details. In this guide, we will build the same dApp from scratch to explore the basics of creating a dApp on Alephium.


Create a new project

Let's create a token faucet dApp. The smart contract code is taken from our getting started guide.

First, create a new project folder and navigate into it:

mkdir alephium-faucet-tutorial
cd alephium-faucet-tutorial

Let's now create a contracts folder where we'll store all our contracts:

mkdir contracts

Our first contract is token.ral which can be found here. You can copy the whole file into your contracts folder.

Let's inspect it, piece by piece:

import "std/fungible_token_interface"

Contract TokenFaucet(
symbol: ByteVec,
name: ByteVec,
decimals: U256,
supply: U256,
mut balance: U256
) implements IFungibleToken {

The first four fields are immutable values required to serve the IFungibleToken interface. balance is a mutable value that keeps track of how many tokens are left in this faucet.

You can see that our contract emits an event and defines an error code. For more information please read events and error handling.

This is followed by 5 access methods for each of the contract's fields.

The last method is where the magic happens:

@using(assetsInContract = true, updateFields = true, checkExternalCaller = false)
pub fn withdraw(amount: U256) -> () {
// Debug events can be helpful for error analysis
emit Debug(`The current balance is ${balance}`)

// Make sure the amount is valid
assert!(amount <= 2, ErrorCodes.InvalidWithdrawAmount)
// Functions postfixed with `!` are built-in functions.
transferTokenFromSelf!(callerAddress!(), selfTokenId!(), amount)
// Ralph does not allow underflow.
balance = balance - amount

// Emit the event defined earlier.
emit Withdraw(callerAddress!(), amount)

With the assert we make sure no one takes more than 2 tokens at a time. transferTokenFromSelf does the actual transferring of the tokens from the token faucet contract to the caller. The balance field is updated with the new value, and in case of underflow, an error will be raised and the transaction won't be performed. callerAddress and selfTokenId are built-in functions, you can read more about them in our built-in functions page.

Compile your contract

The compiler needs to contact the local devnet in order to compile the contract. If you haven't started it, now it's the time. We define the node URL using the alephium.config.ts config file. Create this file in the root directory of your project and paste the following code:

import { Configuration } from '@alephium/cli'

export type Settings = {}

const configuration: Configuration<Settings> = {
networks: {
devnet: {
//Make sure the two values match what's in your devnet configuration
nodeUrl: 'http://localhost:22973',
networkId: 2

export default configuration

Now, let's compile:

npx @alephium/cli@latest compile

It may ask you for some confirmation to install the latest @alephium/cli package. Select yes to proceed.

Once the above command succeeds, you will notice that a new folder called artifacts was created. It contains several files related to your contract. For example, artifacts/ts/TokenFaucet.ts produces lots of helper functions like at, fetchState, call*, etc, as well as many test functions.

Test your contract

The SDK provides a unit test framework, which allows the test case to interact with the contract without changing the blockchain state. Instead, it returns the new contract state, transaction outputs, and events for verification.

Install the test framework:

npm install ts-jest @types/jest

You'll also need the @alephium/web3 and @alephium/web3-test packages:

npm install @alephium/web3 @alephium/web3-test

Create a test folder:

mkdir test

and create the test/token.test.ts minimalistic test file with the following contents:

import { web3, addressFromContractId } from '@alephium/web3'
import { randomContractId, testAddress } from '@alephium/web3-test'
import { TokenFaucet } from '../artifacts/ts'

describe('unit tests', () => {
it('Withdraws 1 token from TokenFaucet', async () => {

// Use the correct host and port

const testContractId = randomContractId()
const testParams = {
// a random address that the test contract resides in the tests
address: addressFromContractId(testContractId),
// assets owned by the test contract before a test
initialAsset: { alphAmount: 10n ** 18n, tokens: [{ id: testContractId, amount: 10n }] },
// initial state of the test contract
initialFields: {
symbol: Buffer.from('TF', 'utf8').toString('hex'),
name: Buffer.from('TokenFaucet', 'utf8').toString('hex'),
decimals: 18n,
supply: 10n ** 18n,
balance: 10n
// arguments to test the target function of the test contract
testArgs: { amount: 1n },
// assets owned by the caller of the function
inputAssets: [{ address: testAddress, asset: { alphAmount: 10n ** 18n } }]

const testResult = await TokenFaucet.tests.withdraw(testParams)

Without entering too much into details, TypeScript needs some configuration to run the test so just create a file called tsconfig.json in the root directory of your project and paste the following code:

"compilerOptions": {
"outDir": "dist",
"target": "es2020",
"esModuleInterop": true,
"module": "commonjs",
"resolveJsonModule": true
"exclude": ["node_modules"],
"include": ["src/**/*.ts", "test/**/*.ts", "scripts/**/*.ts", "alephium.config.ts", "artifacts/**/*.ts"]

You can now run the test:

npx @alephium/cli@latest test

You should be able to see on your terminal the output of calling the withdraw method.

🎉 Congratulations! Have created your first contract and written a test to call it and test it locally! It's time to deploy your contract.

Deploy your contract

Now things are getting serious, we will deploy the contract on devnet 🚀

The deploy command will execute all deployment scripts it finds inside the scripts folder. Create the scripts folder in the root folder of the project:

mkdir scripts

Let's create a deployment script file called 0_deploy_faucet.ts into the scripts folder and paste the following code.
Note that deployment scripts should always be prefixed with numbers (starting from 0).

import { Deployer, DeployFunction, Network } from '@alephium/cli'
import { Settings } from '../alephium.config'
import { TokenFaucet } from '../artifacts/ts'

// This deploy function will be called by cli deployment tool automatically
// Note that deployment scripts should prefixed with numbers (starting from 0)
const deployFaucet: DeployFunction<Settings> = async (
deployer: Deployer
): Promise<void> => {
const issueTokenAmount = 100n
const result = await deployer.deployContract(TokenFaucet, {
// The amount of token to be issued
issueTokenAmount: issueTokenAmount,
// The initial states of the faucet contract
initialFields: {
symbol: Buffer.from('TF', 'utf8').toString('hex'),
name: Buffer.from('TokenFaucet', 'utf8').toString('hex'),
decimals: 18n,
supply: issueTokenAmount,
balance: issueTokenAmount
console.log('Token faucet contract id: ' + result.contractInstance.contractId)
console.log('Token faucet contract address: ' + result.contractInstance.address)

export default deployFaucet

The deployContract of the Deployer takes the contract and deploys it with the correct arguments. You can also add a taskTag argument to tag your deployment with a specific name. By default, it will use the contract name, but if you deploy the same contract multiple times with different initial fields, your .deployment file will get overridden. Using a specific taskTag solves this issue.

From the DeployContractParams interface, we can see that initialFields is mandatory as it contains the arguments for our TokenFaucet contract.

With issueTokenAmount you can define how many tokens you want to issue, this is required if you want to create a token, otherwise no tokens will be created. You can also use issueTokenTo to send the issued token to an recipient.

Now, let's deploy!

npx @alephium/cli@latest deploy

...OOPS... It doesn't work???

If you got the error The node chain id x is different from configured chain id y, go check your networkId in the devnet configuration and the alephium.config.ts file.

No UTXO found ??? Of course, we didn't provide private keys for deployment.

You'll need to export the private keys from the wallets, make sure to use a wallet with funds, like the one from the genesis allocation of your devnet. If you used the docker way to launch your devnet, it might have work as we are defining a default private key in our cli package based on the genesis allocation.

Let's update our alephium.config.ts

const configuration: Configuration<void> = {
networks: {
devnet: {
nodeUrl: 'http://localhost:22973',
networkId: 2,
//The private key of my genesis address 132mqFF2BuxGigdaMTGSruuW29kmEs2eEGcpquG4YZRNh
privateKeys: ['672c8292041176c9056bb0dd1d91d34711ceed2493b5afc83f2012b27df2c559']

For production, we should use environment variables or similar techniques for sensitive information like privateKeys. Do not commit your private keys to source control.

And try to re-deploy:

npx @alephium/cli@latest deploy
Contracts are compiled already. Loading them from folder "artifacts"
Deploying contract TokenFaucet
Deployer - group 1 - 132mqFF2BuxGigdaMTGSruuW29kmEs2eEGcpquG4YZRNh
Token faucet contract id: d00e9c788ddd572b0c186f0599a264f4c79f009c632c8040b7c5f71bfc0ec301
Token faucet contract address: 28h7qSmkAAeNyoBuQKGyp1WG8VfdKPePCCFGKwp2Y8yyA
✅ Deployment scripts executed!

Congratulations! Your contract is deployed. We can check the balance of the contract. Use curl and change the contract address based on your deployment result:

curl 'http://localhost:22973/addresses/28h7qSmkAAeNyoBuQKGyp1WG8VfdKPePCCFGKwp2Y8yyA/balance'

The response should look like this:

"balance": "1000000000000000000",
"balanceHint": "1 ALPH",
"lockedBalance": "0",
"lockedBalanceHint": "0 ALPH",
"tokenBalances": [
"id": "d00e9c788ddd572b0c186f0599a264f4c79f009c632c8040b7c5f71bfc0ec301",
"amount": "100"
"utxoNum": 1

We can see our token id, with the 100 tokens we decided to issue.

Let's check the contract state by first getting the group of our address:

curl 'http://localhost:22973/addresses/28h7qSmkAAeNyoBuQKGyp1WG8VfdKPePCCFGKwp2Y8yyA/group'
curl 'http://localhost:22973/contracts/28h7qSmkAAeNyoBuQKGyp1WG8VfdKPePCCFGKwp2Y8yyA/state?group=1'

Contract state response:

"address": "28h7qSmkAAeNyoBuQKGyp1WG8VfdKPePCCFGKwp2Y8yyA",
"bytecode": "050609121b4024402d404a010000000102ce0002010000000102ce0102010000000102ce0202010000000102ce0302010000000102a0000201020101001116000e320c7bb4b11600aba00016002ba10005b416005f",
"codeHash": "641343b4f1c08b03969b127b452acc7535cad20231bc32af6c0b5f218dd8ff0c",
"initialStateHash": "06595afa695949e915dfc1220dfb47125b01751d9e193f4c5fa1c7fc3566673d",
"immFields": [
"type": "ByteVec",
"value": "5446"
"type": "ByteVec",
"value": "546f6b656e466175636574"
"type": "U256",
"value": "18"
"type": "U256",
"value": "100"
"mutFields": [
"type": "U256",
"value": "100"
"asset": {
"attoAlphAmount": "1000000000000000000",
"tokens": [
"id": "d00e9c788ddd572b0c186f0599a264f4c79f009c632c8040b7c5f71bfc0ec301",
"amount": "100"

In the immFields we can see our initial TokenFaucet arguments (symbol, name, decimals, supply). We can also see that mutFields contains the current token balance. We'll check that field later after calling the faucet.

The deploy command also created a .deployments.devnet.json file, with the deployment result. It's important to keep that file to easily interact with the contract, even though all information can be found on the blockchain.

Interact with the deployed contract

Having a token faucet is nice, getting tokens from it is even better. We can now write some code to interact with the faucet contract.

We'll need to install our cli package and the typescript dependency if it's not yet the case:

npm install -D @alephium/cli typescript

We will now see a different option to interact with the blockchain. Previously, we were using the DeployFunction with our scripts/<number>_* files which are automatically deployed with the CLI tool.

Another way is to use a simple typescript application. Create a src folder in the root folder of the project and a file called tokens.ts in it with the following contents.

import { Deployments } from '@alephium/cli'
import { DUST_AMOUNT, web3, NodeProvider } from '@alephium/web3'
import { PrivateKeyWallet} from '@alephium/web3-wallet'
import configuration from '../alephium.config'
import { TokenFaucet, Withdraw } from '../artifacts/ts'

async function withdraw() {

//Select our network defined in alephium.config.ts
const network = configuration.networks.devnet

//NodeProvider is an abstraction of a connection to the Alephium network
const nodeProvider = new NodeProvider(network.nodeUrl)

//Sometimes, it's convenient to setup a global NodeProvider for your project:

//Connect our wallet, typically in a real application you would connect your web-extension or desktop wallet
const wallet = new PrivateKeyWallet({privateKey: '672c8292041176c9056bb0dd1d91d34711ceed2493b5afc83f2012b27df2c559' })

//.deployments contains the info of our `TokenFaucet` deployement, as we need to now the contractId and address
//This was auto-generated with the `cli deploy` of our `scripts/0_deploy_faucet.ts`
const deployments = await Deployments.load(configuration, 'devnet')

//Make sure it match your address group
const accountGroup = 1

const deployed = deployments.getDeployedContractResult(accountGroup, 'TokenFaucet')

if(deployed !== undefined) {
const tokenId = deployed.contractInstance.contractId
const tokenAddress = deployed.contractInstance.address

// Submit a transaction to use the transaction script
// It uses our `wallet` to sing the transaction.
await Withdraw.execute(wallet, {
initialFields: { token: tokenId, amount: 1n },
attoAlphAmount: DUST_AMOUNT

// Fetch the latest state of the token contract, `mut balance` should have change
const faucet =
const state = await faucet.fetchState()

// Fetch wallet balance see if token is there
const balance = await wallet.nodeProvider.addresses.getAddressesAddressBalance(wallet.account.address)
} else {
console.log('`deployed` is undefined')

// Let's perform one withdraw

For the attentive people, you'll see something new coming from our artifacts: Withdraw which is a TxScript required to interact with the TokenFaucet contract. Its code is quite simple. Create a file called withdraw.ral in the contracts folder and paste the following code:

TxScript Withdraw(token: TokenFaucet, amount: U256) {

We now need to recompile our contracts to get the artifact for Withdraw:

npx @alephium/cli@latest compile

You can now compile the TypeScript code to JavaScript with:

npx tsc --build .

OOPS, you should get an error coming from the alephium.config.ts, until now the config was used as a simple JSON, but now TypeScript want it to respect its interface. Especially the networks is a record that need to contain the 3 NetworkType. You can try to fix it by yourself or update your alephium.config.ts file with:

import { Configuration } from '@alephium/cli'

export type Settings = {}

const configuration: Configuration<Settings> = {
networks: {
devnet: {
nodeUrl: 'http://localhost:22973',
networkId: 2, //Use the same as in your devnet configuration
privateKeys: ['672c8292041176c9056bb0dd1d91d34711ceed2493b5afc83f2012b27df2c559'],
settings: {}
testnet: {
nodeUrl: '',
privateKeys: [],
settings: {}
mainnet: {
nodeUrl: '',
privateKeys: [],
settings: {}

export default configuration

Now recompile

npx tsc --build .

A dist folder should have been created, go ahead and interact with the deployed token faucet:

node dist/src/token.js

You should now be a proud owner of the token you created.

Learn more

If you want to learn more about how to interact with the token faucet with a web interface, please take a look at the guide to Build dApp with Nextjs.