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First Transaction

In this guide, you will learn how to transfer ALPH or other tokens and check the status of the transaction.


Transfer ALPH

Here is an example of how to transfer ALPH from one address to another using Typescript SDK. You can execute the code by:

git clone [email protected]:alephium/ralph-example.git
cd ralph-example/your-firsts
npm install
npx ts-node src/transfer-alph.ts

The code transfers 10 ALPH from the sender to the recipient and print out the balance of the recipient before and after the transfer:

import { ONE_ALPH, waitForTxConfirmation } from '@alephium/web3'
import { getSigner } from '@alephium/web3-test'

async function transferAlph() {
web3.setCurrentNodeProvider('', undefined, fetch)
const nodeProvider = web3.getCurrentNodeProvider()

const [sender, receiver] = await getSigners(2)
const { balance: receiverBalanceBefore } = await nodeProvider.addresses.getAddressesAddressBalance(receiver.address)

// Transfer ALPH from sender to receiver
await sender.signAndSubmitTransferTx({
signerAddress: sender.address,
destinations: [{ address: receiver.address, attoAlphAmount: 10n * ONE_ALPH }]

const { balance: receiverBalanceAfter } = await nodeProvider.addresses.getAddressesAddressBalance(receiver.address)

console.log(`receiver balance before: ${receiverBalanceBefore}, after: ${receiverBalanceAfter}`)


Transfer Tokens

Here is an example of how to transfer a token from one address to another using Typescript SDK. You can execute the code by:

git clone [email protected]:alephium/ralph-example.git
cd ralph-example/your-firsts
npm install
npx ts-node src/transfer-token.ts

Transferring tokens is as straightforward as transferring ALPH: in the signAndSubmitTransferTx function, we can also specify the token to be transferred and its amount:

// Transfer token from sender to receiver
await sender.signAndSubmitTransferTx({
signerAddress: sender.address,
destinations: [
{ address: receiver.address, attoAlphAmount: DUST_AMOUNT, tokens: [{ id: tokenId, amount: 10n }] }

In fact, we have the flexibility to send multiple tokens to multiple recipients within the same transaction!