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Work with Block

Block is a data structure that aggregates transactions and includes them into a blockchain. Other than the common attributes that we might see in blocks on other blockchains, block data structure on Alephium has a few special attributes used by the Blockflow algorithm to implement sharding.

Alephium currently runs 4 groups and 16 chains, each chain is responsible for processing transactions from one group to another group, for example, 0->0, 1->2, 2->1, 3->0, etc. Each block on Alephium is part of a chain, the last two bytes of the block hash encodes the chain where it belongs to.

A block on Alephium references a list of blocks from different chains in the attribute blockDeps, as opposed to other blockchains where only the parent block is referenced. Blockflow algorithm leverages this information to maintain the integrity of the sharded ledger while increasing throughput. For a more detailed description of the Blockflow algorithm and the blockDeps attribute, please read An introduction to Blockflow: Alephium’s sharding algorithm.

The block data structure consists of the following attributes:

timestamp    : The time at which the block was created
hash : Unique identifier for the block, last two bytes identifies the chain it belongs to.
height : Block height, there may be multiple blocks at the same height
target : Current network difficulty level
nonce : A number that miners brute force to satisfy the difficulty target
blockDeps : Lists block hashes from different chains that this block depends on
txsHash : The merkle root of all transactions in the block
depStateHash : Hash of the state that this block depends on
transactions : List of transactions included in this block

In the following sections, we will learn how to query and subscribe to the blocks information. First, let's get hold of an instance of NodeProvider:

import { NodeProvider } from '@alephium/web3'

const nodeProvider = new NodeProvider('')

Query Blocks

Blocks can be queried by hash, height and between timestamps.

By Hash

We can query block and block events by block hash:

const blockHash = 'f2d45672bd3876a1b4d8e87dba8764675906c0eaa2bb62945154f9783e0395c0'
const block = await nodeProvider.blockflow.getBlockflowBlocksBlockHash(blockHash)
console.log("block", block)

const blockWithEvents = await nodeProvider.blockflow.getBlockflowBlocksWithEventsBlockHash(blockHash)
console.log("block", blockWithEvents.block)
console.log("block events",

By Height

We can also query blocks at a specific height. Note that each of the 16 chains has its own height, at each height there might be multiple blocks and the first one is the canonical block.

const hashes = await nodeProvider.blockflow.getBlockflowHashes({ fromGroup: 0, toGroup: 0, height })
const block = await nodeProvider.blockflow.getBlockflowBlocksBlockHash(hashes[0])
console.log('canonical block', block)

If we want to get the blocks between heights, we need to query them per chain:

const fromHeight = 1000
const toHeight = 2000
const blocks: node.BlockEntry[] = []
for (let height = fromHeight; height <= toHeight; fromHeight += 1) {
const hashes = await nodeProvider.blockflow.getBlockflowHashes({ fromGroup: 0, toGroup: 0, height })
const block = await nodeProvider.blockflow.getBlockflowBlocksBlockHash(hashes[0])
console.log(`canonical blocks between ${fromHeight} and ${toHeight}`, blocks)

Here is what we can do to get the latest height for a chain:

const chainInfo = await nodeProvider.blockflow.getBlockflowChainInfo({ fromGroup: 0, toGroup: 0 })
console.log("latest height", chainInfo.currentHeight)

Between TimeStamps

We can query blocks across all chains between two timestamps:

import { TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_GROUPS } from '@alephium/web3'

const fromTs = 1685791240000 // the unit is milliseconds
const toTs = 1688383240000
const result = await nodeProvider.blockflow.getBlockflowBlocks({ fromTs, toTs })
for (let fromGroup = 0; fromGroup < TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_GROUPS; fromGroup += 1) {
for (let toGroup = 0; toGroup < TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_GROUPS; toGroup += 1) {
const chainIndex = fromGroup * TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_GROUPS + toGroup
console.log(`blocks for chain index ${fromGroup} -> ${toGroup} is `, result.blocks[chainIndex])

Replace the getBlockflowBlocks function with getBlockflowBlocksWithEvents function to get the blocks along side with the events emitted from the blocks.

Block Subscription

To handle new blocks in real time, the Typescript SDK provides blocks subscription functionality for a specific chain. It offers callback functions to handle new blocks, errors as well as chain re-orgs:

import { node, BlockSubscribeOptions, BlockSubscription } from '@alephium/web3'

const options: BlockSubscribeOptions = {
// the unit is milliseconds
pollingInterval: 1000,
// the `messageCallback` will be called when a new block is received
messageCallback: (block: node.BlockEntry) => {
console.log(`received block: ${block}`)
// the `errorCallback` will be called when an error occurs
errorCallback: (err: any) => {
// the `reorgCallback` will be called when reorg occurs
reorgCallback: (orphanBlocks: node.BlockEntry[], newBlocks: node.BlockEntry[]) => {
console.log(`reorg occur, orphan blocks: ${orphanBlocks}, new blocks: ${newBlocks}`)

const fromGroup = 0
const toGroup = 0

// it will subscribe to blocks starting from height `fromBlockHeight`
const fromBlockHeight = 670100
const subscription = new BlockSubscription(options, fromGroup, toGroup, fromBlockHeight)

// unsubscribe