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Alephium CLI

Alephium CLI is a tool for creating projects, compiling contracts, and deploying contracts.

Create a Project

We can create a new project using the init command, the -t parameter is used to specify the project type:

npx @alephium/cli init my-dapp -t react

There are three available project types:

  • base: Create a Node.js project, this is the default type if the -t parameter is not specified
  • react: Create a React project
  • nextjs: Create a Next.js project


In order to use the Alephium CLI, we need to have a configuration file. The default config file is alephium.config.ts/js located in the project root directory. The following is an example of a configuration file:


import { Configuration } from '@alephium/cli'

const configuration: Configuration = {
// The `networks` field specifies configurations for different networks. It supports three types of networks: devnet, testnet, and mainnet
networks: {
devnet: {
// The `nodeUrl` is the url of the full node
nodeUrl: 'http://localhost:22973',
// The purpose of private key is for deploying contracts. Since Alephium currently has 4 groups,
// the maximum length of `privateKeys` is 4, and each group can have at most one private key.
// If you only need to deploy contracts to one group, you only need to specify one private key.
privateKeys: ['a642942e67258589cd2b1822c631506632db5a12aabcf413604e785300d762a5'],
// The `confirmations` field is used to specify the number of block confirmations to wait for
// after contract deployment. This is an optional config. If it is not specified, it defaults
// to 1 for devnet and 2 for testnet and mainnet.
confirmations: 1

// You must export the `configuration` from the config file
export default configuration

In most cases, we only need to specify the networks config. The other optional configs work well by default, but we can also configure them if needed:

sourceDirLocation for contract code, it is <project_root>/contracts by default
artifactDirLocation for compiled contract artifacts, it is <project_root>/artifacts by default
deployToMultipleGroupsInParallelIf the contract needs to be deployed to multiple groups, this config specifies whether to deploy them in parallel, it is true by default
deploymentScriptDirLocation for deployment scripts, it is <project_root>/scripts by default
deploymentsDirLocation for contract deployments, it is <project_root>/deployments by default
Ignore compiler warnings if contract functions update contract fields but does not have the updateField annotation
Ignore compiler warnings if public contract functions does not have the checkExternalCaller annotation
Compiler warnings will be treated as errors if this config is enabled
skipRecompileOnDeploymentSpecify whether contract code should be recompiled when deploying contracts. It is false by default
forceRecompileThe forceRecompile flag is used to recompile all contracts. It is false by default.

When this flag is enabled, it checks whether the contract has been deployed to the mainnet using the contract code hash. If it has been deployed, the contract will not be recompiled. It is false by default.

skipRecompileContractsThis list specifies the contracts you do not want to recompile. It is an empty list by default.
enableDebugModeAlephium CLI will print out network requests and error stack traces if enabled

Compile Contracts

After project is created, we can use the compile command to compile contract code, the -n parameter is used to specify the network type:

npx @alephium/cli compile -n devnet

The compile command compiles contract code, saves the compiled artifacts, and generates TypeScript code based on the artifacts. We can use the generated TypeScript code to interact with the contracts.

Deploy Contracts

To deploy contracts, we need to write the contract deployment scripts. The file names of the deployment scripts must follow this regular expression pattern: ^([0-9]+)_.*.(ts|js)$, and they will be executed according to the same numerical order of their file names. Please refer to the documentation here for writing deployment scripts.

We can use the deploy command to deploy contracts, the -n parameter is used to specify the network type:

npx @alephium/cli deploy -n devnet

When contract deployment is successful, deployment results will be saved to the artifacts/.deployment.<network_id>.json file, and it will generate TypeScript code for loading deployment results.

After contracts are well tested, we can deploy them to the Mainnet by simply switching the network type:

npx @alephium/cli deploy -n mainnet

Gen Interfaces

The gen-interfaces command is used to generate Ralph interfaces from contract artifacts. This is particularly useful when the contract source code is not open-source, but the artifacts are available. It allows other projects to easily interact with the contract without needing access to the original source code.

npx @alephium/cli gen-interfaces -a <artifactDir> -o <outputDir>
  • -a <artifactDir>: Specifies the directory containing contract artifacts.
  • -o <outputDir>: Specifies the output directory where the generated interfaces will be stored.