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Node Wallet

The wallet API can be called using the Swagger UI or by using curl. Make sure that your full node is running so you could access the Swagger UI.

Create a new wallet

You can create a new wallet by doing a POST with the following data on /wallets.

"password": "123456",
"walletName": "foo" //optional (wallet-x) by default

The server must response successfully giving you our new wallet mnemonic.

"walletName": "foo",
"mnemonic": "laptop tattoo torch range exclude fuel bike menu just churn then busy century select cactus across other merge vivid alarm asset genius mountain transfer"

Fetch your new wallet address by GET /wallets/{wallet_name}/addresses

"activeAddress": "T1J2yrmQrNwuFW8z2W6xXFLtJoBCWEm7gLg9BuY8tzKjxw",
"addresses": ["T1J2yrmQrNwuFW8z2W6xXFLtJoBCWEm7gLg9BuY8tzKjxw"]

If you already created a wallet once but it got deleted or you don't remember your password, you can restore your wallet with your mnemonic using:

PUT /wallets
"password": "123456",
"mnemonic": "laptop tattoo torch range exclude fuel bike menu just churn then busy century select cactus across other merge vivid alarm asset genius mountain transfer",
"walletName": "foo" //optional


You wallet will automatically be locked after some time, you'll need to unlock it if you want to use it:

POST /wallets/{wallet_name}/unlock
"password": "123456"

You can also manually lock it:

POST /wallets/{wallet_name}/lock

Query for balance

You can check the current balance with GET /wallets/{wallet_name}/balances response:

"totalBalance": 0,
"balances": [
"address": "T1J2yrmQrNwuFW8z2W6xXFLtJoBCWEm7gLg9BuY8tzKjxw",
"balance": 0

Transfering funds

You can submit a transaction from a wallet to an address by doing:

POST /wallets/{wallet_name}/transfer
"destinations ": [{
"address": "<the destination address>",
"amount ": "42 ALPH"

The server must response succussfully with the transaction id and the group information.

"txId": "50318e5bfd56796690890f4a9c5aae2725629a15a71cad909bbf4a669c32c2f4",
"fromGroup": 0,
"toGroup": 3